Metal Painting

Metal Painting

Locker Painting & Other Electrostatic 
Refinishing Services

ERIE ELECTROSTATIC's refurbishment services can change the entire appearance of your lockers and metal items at a fraction of the cost of replacement. To revitalize your old lockers and furniture and give them a durable coating of protection for years to come, reach out to us for a FREE on-site evaluation of your project today. We can apply our electrostatic refinishing services to:

School Lockers

Office Furniture

Metal Cabinetry

Industrial Machinery


Stairwells & Railings

Metal Doors

Bathroom Partitions

& Other Metal Items

Before and After Painting of Locker

Electrostatic Refinishing

Electrostatic refinishing is the most effective way to keep costs in line for your old metal items. We have the right coating for your specific needs whether your painting metal office furniture, lockers, industrial machinery, stairways and railings, bathroom partitions or lab/kitchen cabinets. We recommend Epoxy Enamel for all your interior needs.  Enamel or Electro Urethane for items that require UV or oil protection. All of these products are specifically formulated for electrostatic applications. The dry result is an incredibly smooth, hard and durable coating for years of protection. All of the coatings are lead and chrome free. They don't have chlorinated solvents all of these coatings are made with state-of-the-art low V.O.C./ odor technology.

When You Are Looking for School Locker Painting

Let's face it school lockers take up their share of abuse from even everyday use. Electrostatic painting is the most cost effective way to improve the appearance of your school lockers. Our electrostatic refinishing services are great for keeping your lockers looking clean and professional. 

We also offer minor locker repairs along with our painting services. Broken lockers can be frustrating to deal with or even lead to stolen property, but we can order the locker parts you need and perform the repairs for you.

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